Sunday, November 28, 2004

Take a little trip, take a little trip

Today i went to go visit a lady who took care of me from the ages of -2 months to 8 years old. but that's not what i'm writing about, i'm writing about the trip up and back.
My Dad lets me drive everywhere even though i do not have my permit yet and i never want to drive with my mom because she drives me crazy when i'm driving. My mom found out we were going and she wanted to come along, i told her she could on one condition; if she did not say a word about my driving. she agreed and the trip up there wasn't too bad, she yelled at me a few times but i just responded with "Thank you Mom". On the way back i was going 69 in a 65 zone and she flipped out on me. my dad was asleep so he couldn't protect me. I slowed down to 65 and cars started whipping around me giving me dirty looks. because of the danger in going slow with road rage drivers i sped up to the flow of traffic which was 73. My mom started yelling at me again and i replied with "you promised you wouldn't say anything" and did not decrease my speed. She would not leave me alone so i pointed out that her yelling at me is almost as dangerous as going 10 miles under the flow of traffic on the interstate. After slowing down to 65 because she is my mom and i didn't want to directly disobey her i was nearly hit by a car that was behind me the driver pulled up next to me and after abusing me this is horn decided to show me what his middle finger looked like. i wasn't too disappointed because this man drove a low rider truck and i'm ok with a person who drives one being mad at me.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTmas

Today i turned on the radio and heard let it snow on a country station, because country is the only thing i listen too. I felt the familiar anoyingenss that is usually felt when CHRISTmas things start popping up a month before CHRISTmas day. I let it go without any complaining and listended to it because it is a very good version of it, let it snow by ricochet. Then after not liking the next song i changed to the other country station and The CHRISTmas Song was on. this really got to me so i changed to a station from another city and two songs later some strange version of jingle bells was on. It went like this all day i would try to avoid all of the CHRISTmas songs but i couldn't get away from them. at one time all three stations were playing one and i had to resort to soft rock but i forgot that the soft rock station of baton rouge plays nothing but CHRISTmas music starting the day after Thanksgiving. i like CHRISTmas songs but in November??? That's just wrong. so now i sit here listening to my cd's because i am so sick of hearing all the yule tide carols.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Today i got robbed. When i was in the shower a dark skinned male of about 35, 5 foot 6 and around 120 lbs walked into my yard, opened up the storage room, and took my weed eater and leaf blower. What makes this even more pitiful is the guy was on a bike and he slowly rode away. my neighbor watched the entire thing and knocked on our door. i knew my mom and brother were at home so i continued with my shower. After knocking for a minute he decided to follow the little sorry excuse for a robber in his truck. as he was doing this he called our house because no one answered the door. not wanting to bull rush a man that could be our yard man he called the police and they told him that because he didn't know for sure that the man was really robbing us he could not take action. After i got out of the shower i checked the yard because i heard my dog barking and i looked at the caller id and didn't recongnize the number. i then discovered my mom had left and my brother had his music up all the way. When my mom got home i told her about someone knocking and then calling so she checked the messages and discovered we had been robbed!!! By the time we called our neighbor back the little rat had gotten into a car and there was no way of catching him now. So now we are short a weed eater and a leaf blower, i guess that gives me an excuse to not weed eat and blow.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

For the past three years i have weighed myself on certain days of much eating. When i wake up on these days the second thing i do is weigh myself. This morning i weighed 136 pounds. 136 pounds is low for me but i usually weigh a few pounds less when i wake up. At around 9:30 I started cooking the turkey with my dad, that is when the eating started. As i cooked i constantly ate so i could tell the difference i was making by adding certain ingredients. By the time lunch came around i was still very hungry and i filled up two plates with ease. For those of you that have been on mission trips with me this bloc will not surprise you very much but for the rest of you it should be known that i grew up in a family where we were taught to eat until it hurt to swallow another bite. So after unbuttoning my pants i was pretty full but there was food still on the table and all my other family had given up so it was up to me to finnish it. I took down another plate full and was satisfied with the amount of food left. After a quick 30 minute nap i awoke to my grandmother's 16 year old female neighbor knocking on the door. My grandmother offered her some food and as she ate i had some fruit salad and turkey to make sure she didn't feel weird eating by herself. I went to the river w/ my dog and brother and worked off some of the food. when i got back i had some coffee and pie and watched Jurassic park. I was hungry when the movie ended so i got the second turkey leg, some scratch white meat, some cornbread dressing and gravy, some pie, and a cup of coffee. After i got home i weighed myself and i am now 146 pounds, yes i gained 10 pounds in about 12 hours.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Cornbread Dressing

Ok this cannot be repeated to anyone in the Landry or Shoptaugh family but my mom is not a very good cook. i think this is the reason why i will eat anything and everything. i never wanted to offend my mom so i would always eat everything and i am a Landry so i was always taught to eat until it hurts. Every year my mom cooks cornbread dressing a few days before thanksgiving, freezes it, and serves it on CHRISTmas day. Ive never understood this because everyone knows food is better before it is defrosted. This cornbread dressing takes 4 hours to make and it is never very good. Of course i won't tell my mom this. Today she made her cornbread dressing to be served a month from now. The strangest thing happened. i tried it and it was amazing. I love cornbread dressing, it's my favorite Thanksgiving dish, and this was the best i had ever tasted in my life. i took the thing she was using to contain the dressing she didn't defrost and ate the entire thing. it was huge and i didn't let anyone else have any. I could not believe my mother had produced this masterpiece i am contemplating sneaking into the kitchen and stealing some of the cornbread dressing meant for CHRISTmas day. LET ME STRESS THAT THIS CANNOT LEAVE THE READERS MIND BECAUSE I DON'T WANT MI MADRE TO FIND OUT I DON'T CARE FOR HER COOKING

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


My brother bought the dvd elf and i watched it yesterday. i had already seen it but i wanted to make sure it wasn't one of those movies that is only good the first time you see it. It was as funny as the first time, will ferrell is a genius. Elf is the kind of movie you wouldn't want to just rent so everyone go out and buy it.

Sunday, November 21, 2004


I must say that i enjoy capture the flag, or i used to enjoy capture the flag. i loved the strategy, the stealth, and the adrenalin rush. but it seemed to lose it's thrill for me last night. i loved organizing the attack and defense. i would never really participate in the actually taking of the flag, i would scope it out in my stealth suite and find out where i thought the flag was. then i would organize an attack using the little middle schoolers while i watched to see if it worked. I really enjoyed the strategy involved in this game.
then last night i was scoping out the situation, completely invisible of course, and i ran into the flag. of course i picked it up and ran like crazy. After making it back without much trouble i was accused of cheating, that hurt but i got over it. We started the new game and i was bored, there wasn't much challenge anymore. there was nothing left for me to achieve so i just bailed on the game and got a snow cone and that made me happy again.

Friday, November 19, 2004


Ok I'll try this again, i just finished my 2nd blog and i somehow deleted it:(.
Jesus project is only one hour away and i can't wait to see what GOD will do this year. it is supposed to rain all this weekend but i don't really mind because rain won't stop GOD from moving and plus i like playing in the rain.
School is no longer fun for me, i have never actually hated school before this year. i think it is a mix of things. One. We have a new director who is changing everything and is making uhigh suck. two. I went to Nicaragua this summer and again at the begging of november and i fell in love w/ the country and the people who live there and i don't see any point in going to school because i want to become a missionary. Three. The freshman at uhigh have more homework that the Seniors.
I'm very happy thanksgiving break is here. I know i needed it. i'm not sure where i'll be celebrating Thanksgiving at. I have to chose between my mom and dad. i'm thinking i will go to my dad's because the food is much better and i don't live w/ him.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

First try

I must say that i never would have thought i would do this but the idea of writing something for anyone to see, and the boredom got the better of me. If you don't know me then you shouldn't spend the time it would take to read this blog because i'm not the most brilliant author in the world, in fact after two sentences i have no idea what to write about. i'll just tell a little bit about my day. I go to uhigh and we have block scheduling and today was a b day. so i had choir, biology, geometry, and reading inquiry. for the record i'm starting to get sick of choir because me teacher gets phyco when our performances are close, biology is my worst subject, and reading inquiry is a course that is there to keep have of the class busy for a semester and the only person who doesn't realize that is the teacher. It is so retarded, this class is worth nothing to LSU, the college i'm planning on going to, and it's my hardest class by far. i do like geometry, however today i could not concentrate because my friend that happens to be a girl was sending me text messages and of course i was sending them back. We started learning something about trapezoids but i missed it and now i'm in deep trouble because we're havin a test on it thursday.
wow it just hit me that next week is thanksgiving holidays!!!! now i don't really care if i'm lost anymore. That means Jesus project is tomorrow, Jesus project is a retreat at parkview. in fact i was saved at this retreat two years ago and the following year i got baptized at Jesus project.
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