Thursday, November 18, 2004

First try

I must say that i never would have thought i would do this but the idea of writing something for anyone to see, and the boredom got the better of me. If you don't know me then you shouldn't spend the time it would take to read this blog because i'm not the most brilliant author in the world, in fact after two sentences i have no idea what to write about. i'll just tell a little bit about my day. I go to uhigh and we have block scheduling and today was a b day. so i had choir, biology, geometry, and reading inquiry. for the record i'm starting to get sick of choir because me teacher gets phyco when our performances are close, biology is my worst subject, and reading inquiry is a course that is there to keep have of the class busy for a semester and the only person who doesn't realize that is the teacher. It is so retarded, this class is worth nothing to LSU, the college i'm planning on going to, and it's my hardest class by far. i do like geometry, however today i could not concentrate because my friend that happens to be a girl was sending me text messages and of course i was sending them back. We started learning something about trapezoids but i missed it and now i'm in deep trouble because we're havin a test on it thursday.
wow it just hit me that next week is thanksgiving holidays!!!! now i don't really care if i'm lost anymore. That means Jesus project is tomorrow, Jesus project is a retreat at parkview. in fact i was saved at this retreat two years ago and the following year i got baptized at Jesus project.


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