Sunday, January 30, 2005

Rain down

Uhigh is going through some major construction and we, the students, have classes away from our campus. I have some classes in the law school, middle school, t-buildings, and first Presbyterian church which is the farthest away from the school. Friday at one i had to walk to First Pres. If you don't live in baton rouge then you should know that at about one 0 three the light sprinkle that was happening turned into a hard, pounding, wet hurricane. My umbrella was ripped from my hands and was bent into an unusable shape by the wind. The funniest part about this situation was that every student that had any class in first pres was halfway between the church and the school in a huge parking lot with no trees. I could image God up there saying "you wanna see something funny?"

the urinal

the urinal
Originally uploaded by ratterrell.

for your enjoyment

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Liquid plumber

The drain in my shower has stopped working. Well it works a little bit but it backs up very fast. 5 min into your shower you are standing in 6" of water. This is bad because my shower is only 7" deep. If you know strange facts about me you know i like to take 20 min showers. these two fact contradict each other, I haven't been too happy because my relaxing showers have been cut short. Of course we don't have any products that could fix this clog and i don't have a car to go get it.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Fun at the mall

I went to the mall last friday night. Robyn wanted Canes and i felt like chinese so i went off alone to one of the two Chinese places. At the mall the two Chinese restaurants are directly across from each other. I went to one of them and they started harassing me with a free sample. I would like to show you the next few min
Me:Are yall better than they are?
Lady one:oh yes much better
Me:ok i will be right back
(i walk across the food court and get harassed with free samples)
Lady 2: you want rice or noodle?
Me:I'm not sure yet, the lady over there said that their chinese food was better than yours
Lady 2:oh no, we much better
Me:ok i'll be right back
(i walk back to the first buffet line)
Lady 1:ok you ready now?
Me:well they told me they were better than you were
Lady 1:oh no no, we are much better
Me:what makes your food better?
Man 1:we are much better quality
Me:ok i'll be right back
(walk back over)
Me:they said they had much better quality food
Lady 2:I speak chinese, none of them know how
Me:Hold up i need to check this out
(walk back over)
Me:They told no one over here could speak chinese
Lady 1:hehehe here's a free sample
(i walked back one more time)
Lady 2: Now you see, do you want a chinese man to cook your soul food? No! you want a black man to cook your soul food. And you no want a mexican cooking your chinese. Now what you want? Rice or noodle?

I went back to get some napkins and a mexican man walked out of the kitchen with a plate full of chicken.
Lady 2:He no cooks, he just cuts. Chinese man cooks.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

crawfish, dead dogs, and attack trains

i took robyn to my lake house yesterday. I had crawfish for the first time this season and they were glorious. They were small and cold but i loved every last bite of those heaven sent creatures. We went for a little ride in the golf cart with hopes of seeing a few gators and robyn spotted something floating in the water. As we got closer i realized it was an animal. It looked like it might be a deer that got trapped in the swamp and drowned. She pointed out the fact that it wasn't a deer but a very large dog. Most people know that i love dogs and that when this fact hit me i was no longer excited by our find. I know longer had the desire to poke the animal with a stick. After a short evaluation i came to the conclusion that someone had hit the dog with a car and they through it into the swamp where it eventually drowned. We continued on our search for alligators and discovered only a old man fishing.
There are some train tracks close to my house that i have always wanted to explore and because it was too cold to go out on the lake i suggested we walk the tracks. We got to a bridge and started skippin rocks on the river by the rail road tracks. Every now and then we would hear a click and we could not figure out what it was. Starting to get used to it i noticed a light on the track that was once off was now lit. I mentioned this and at that second began to hear the usually relaxing sound of a train on an old rail road. With swamp on both sides we really had no choice but to make a run for the road or go for a little swim. of course we chose the former and ran for our lives. Obviously we made it but only by about 10 seconds and it gave us a nice scare.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Sparky ate a bird

I'm very worried about my yellow lab Roxie. My brother was outside popping fireworks and my dog grabbed a box of water dynamite and ran. This is funny to me because Roxie loves fireworks. She loves the loud noise and the smoke. Sometimes when she is hyper and won't calm down we will go outside and throw fireworks until she has exhausted herself. So Roxie runs off with this box of fireworks and Riley started chasing her, as she ran around the yard the dynamite started falling out one by one. By the time he got them back Rox had dropped the empty box and started eating the last water dynamite.
Yesterday morning, before i left for school, i ran into a puddle of regurgitated dog food. Of course i did what any other person would do, yell to my brother on my way out the door that his dog left him a present.
I didn't make the connection between the two stories until a few minutes ago when i watched her go outside,we have a dog door, and vomit in the flower bed. I called Riley and we're bringing her to the vet Friday.



I want to apoligize for not posting in awhile.
I checked on my ipod that i ordered and it was sent to my house this morning. I hope that when i get home it will be waiting for me.
I talked the dean into letting me turn in my project.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Bad news

I wrote earlier about my project that i worked all night on. I was supposed to turn it in the day of the exam but all my work was misplaced and the teacher gave me an extension. I turned it in on Monday, the day we agreed on, and the teacher told me that he would need to talk to the dean before he changed my grade. Today the dean told him that he could not except it and i would have to take a 0/400. i'm going to go talk to the dean tomorrow and if that doesn't work i might have to get my mommy to call and explain to him why i should be given the chance to make it up.

Monday, January 03, 2005


I would like everyone that stayed up with me for the next update to know that i am finished with my project. yes i pulled an all nighter and yes i've had about 7 cups of coffee but it's nicaraguen coffee so it should last me all day. Its amazing how when i realize that i really need to get started on a project i can do 2 months worth of work in about 6 hours, 10:30-4:30. right now it is 6:30 and i'm wide awake. I just saw a commercial for the cereal "cookie crisp". It seems as if they have changed their mascot. When i was little it was a brownish snoopy but now it looks like a dog/raccoon. The voice of this new character is much more annoying than the one of my recent past and it makes me sad to know that i am able to recognize the change in a dog in a commercial.

the doctor says i'm add, it stands for attention... hey look a butterfly

My ability to procrastinate never ceases to amaze me. I have about six hours until my project is due and i still am not vigorously working on it. I think i may have some type of disorder that stops me from sitting down and working. i would rather type meaningless words on a blog with only three viewers than do this thing for school that is worth 400 points because i couldn't stop procrastinating the month i had to work on it.

Nothing really happened today, i stayed home all day and got about 15 min of work done over a period of 8 hours. I'm really worried about my ability to concentrate, i can concentrate fine in subjects that interest me but once i get bored i have to do something else, like blog.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Bill gates

Right now i should be working on a multi genre project on bill gates. i must do 10 different types of small projects about bill gates. I must turn this in on monday when i go back to school. I haven't really started on this thing yet and right now would be a great time to start but i find myself listening to toby keith and writing a blog instead. I wish i hadn't picked Bill Gates as my subject because he is a very boring person. All of the details about his line of work are very boring.
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