Thursday, April 28, 2005

Lost Cat?

My grandmother, like all old people, is technologically retarded. She got a flip cell phone about 7 months ago and still cannot work it. I enjoy changing things on her phone when I get the chance. Sometimes i'll make the welcome note "KILL" or "vote Cliton '08". Or i'll change her ring to something very annoying.
One of my grandmother's ringtones is a cat. It gets louder and louder as it rings. Of course I could not pass up this opportunity.
That night she received 20 calls but she didn't get one of them because she was too busy looking for the wild animal in her room. In fact she called my uncle Johny to see if he could find it. After around 9 the animal stopped making noise and was assumed to be outside.
That animal followed her into her car and scared her to death as she was driving until she realized that it was her phone.

Been awhile

I have become a horrible blogger. It's been over a week since i last posted and i feel like i am forcing myself to post now just so people can have something to read. April must be a month where no one really wants to be heard because new blogs are very hard to come by.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Today is April twentieth, if your above the age a 30 you most likely do not know the meaning of this day. right now, 11:00 pm, people all over the world are finishing up the last of their stashes that they saved for this very day. I, however, do not practice this ritual that is so widely celebrated today so this is of no significance to me.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Welcome to Moe's

I went to moe's for the first time yesterday. As you walk in someone yells "welcome to moe's" i think you need to go. the atmosphere is really cool and you should try it out once before you make an opinion. I have been so now i can make one.
I ordered "the homewrecker" The names of the food are funny and it only adds to the very cool atmosphere.
That was where the fun stopped. The food was horrible. They didn't bother to heat mine so i had a cold homewrecker. The food quality wasn't very good and i soon figured out why we were the only ones eating there.
My mom seemed to like hers so it might be what i ordered. Again i think that you should try it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Last Thursday my blog was criticized. I was told that my post were boring and i needed to have personal stuff on it. This individual told me that as i was watching her "read" my blog. She would look at the title, read the first two sentences and then go read the comments.
Many of my friends(girls mainly) have their on blogs on live journal. However they only allow a select few to read them. I realize when you post personal things that not everyone can read it and that is why they must do this. Someone could get hurt or the person they like, heaven forbid, could find out they like them. When i started my posting i did it for all to read and if i got too personal then there would have to be some people that simply could not read my blog and i don't want that. Plus i enjoy rambling on about useless stories that only i and a few of my faithful readers care about. But to make this person happy i will post a personal post now.

I really hate it when the toilet paper runs out and there is no more under the sink. I had an idea to hide some extra so when my housekeeper refills the cabinet i would still have some extra. As hard as i try she still finds my stash and assumes that it is there as the original and does not refill the cabinet.
This last personal post was for Lindsay Reed. I hope your nosiness grossed you out.

Friday, April 08, 2005


I planned on mentioning when i reached my 50th post but unfortunately my 5oth post happend three post ago. So this is my Fifty third post. I'm not sure what it takes to become a true "blogger" but i'm going to guess i'm halfway there, or i was halfway there three post ago.

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Over spring break i went on a mission trip to Fort Worth. We worked with homeless people and it was truly a blessing.On our second night we went to a mall. I was bored because I'm not the shopping type. I was walking with Taylor,Freshman at Dunham, and he had an amazinly random idea. His idea was to stick our feet in the fountain that was in the middle of the mall. I thought about it and realized that this idea had potential. I realize it may not be that funny to you but at the time it was. We both sat with our jeans rolled up to our knees, in the middle of a mall in texas, with our feet dangling in the fountain. We went for around 15 min until a man with his family decided to take it into his own business to stop our dangerous actions. He called security and fortunately we were gone by the time they got there.We walked around for a little while and stumbled onto one of those stores where everything cost only a dollar. There wasn't anything that good in there buy taylor decided he would buy this statue for his mom so she would feel remembered. The thing was very ugly. It was supposed to be a sentimental statue of a native american with a wolf hood. it was only hand size and you could tell it cost a dollar. the eyes were cross-eyed and the nose was a little crooked, just looking at it made me laugh. Once we left we had the idea to try to give it away. We started walking up to random people telling them that they had just won this. Unfortunately the ugliness of this statue made people realize that they could not have possible won something that unattractive. It took us around 10 min to finally get rid of the thing. It was so much fun that we decided to get some more. We bought about 5 different ugly, one dollar statues. It took awhile but we finally gave them all away.I realize that this isn't very funny and it sounds stupid but i had a good time and i wanted to share it with you.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

hollywood here i come

I just finished my first video. I walked around uhigh with a camera for about two hours. Click the title for the outcome.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Skate Boarder

Skate Boarder
Originally uploaded by tigerebel3.

Very cool Pic of a skateboarder at the watergardens in Ft Worth.
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from tigerebel3. Make your own badge here.