Sunday, November 27, 2005

sweet 16

Thanksgiving is over, the Christmas section in stores are growing, and exams are rapidly approaching. What does all of this mean? Eric's birthday of course. This year happens to be a milestone that is a big deal. Yes i'm turning 16 for the first time in my life. Looking back it's kinda scary to be getting older. I mean i will be 17 in a year and that ain't right. Highschool is almost halfway over. Things are going too fast i don't want responsibility. Yeah i want a car and freedom but i didn't mind getting driven around. But yeah i'm excited about being 16 on Thursday. My mom's in exams so i won't be able to get my license till after the 9th and thats ok with me i can wait a little while longer.


Ok so i bought a gorilla suit on ebay. Yes it is amazing and yes i've had loads of fun with it but how're you supposed to clean it?

Thursday, November 17, 2005

One year

tomorrow will be one year since i posted my first blog. Although my blogs have become shorter and not as recently updated i am still posting and this is my 96th blog. If my math is correct that means i posted, on average, every three days. This seems very hard for me to believe but i think i'm corect. I'm proud of myself for keeping this going so long. Out of all the blogs i read only 4 of them post regularly. I'm not sure if anyone really reads these things but once i learn how i'm going to put one of those site trackers onto my blog so i can tell when and how many people are reading it.
Jesus Project is this weekend and i'm really looking foreward to it. I have a suprise that cannot be revealed until after the weekend because people who read this will be at the retreat. I wish it would warm up because we have to go swimming in the creek no matter what the temperature is.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Biyong sun

On monday we had soccer tryouts. I gave tyler and steven a ride to the fields. Steven is of asian decent and i was pretty sure that my mom wouldn't remember exactly what he looked like so tyler and i decided to play a joke on her. We told her that steven was Biyong Sun, the new foreign exchange student from china and that he didn't speak english. She believed us completely and tyler and i went on with the joke. I said things like, Biyong Sun eats Cocker Spaniels and he brought eel for lunch today. When we went to Canes I turned to steven and told him he owed me $25 and my mom turns and says in a chinese accent "no no, i pay i pay". She asked us where Biyong Sun was staying and i told her he was at steven's house. This went on for around 30 minutes until we finally told her the truth.
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