Thursday, December 02, 2004

Missing Bird

Last night before i went to sleep as i walked into my room i discovered a pile of feathers in my room. my first fear was that my dog had split one of my pillows but further investigation revealed that that was not the case. I followed the trail of feathers and found it started at the dog door. My dog had been notorious for catching animals and bringing them into the house. This summer she dug up two moles and brought them to my mom's bed to eat. A few months later we found pieces of a crow throughout a week. We have not located the carcass of the animal yet but i'm pretty sure it is somewhere in my mom's bed room because that is where most of the feathers are. This is very strange because we usually find pieces of the animal throughout the house like last year we found a foot of a squirrel. I am very impressed at my dogs ability to hunt and it doesn't bother me as long as Roxie continues to bring them to my Mom's room.


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