Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I feel like a jerk. I've been doing very little with the hurricane. And these aren't my words so don't think i'm some amazing theologian, but the reason this thing happened was to glorify God believe it or not and it's our responsibility as Christians to make a difference. I, however, feel like i've done very little. My personality is the kind where i wanna be on the main scene. I want to be at the shelters with the evacuees spending time with them but i haven't done that. Sure i've done little things that somehow helped everything happen but i don't feel like i've made a difference. The things i've done are behind the scene and i'm really disappointed in myself for not doing more. I want to give up a few days of school to go to the Southern University shelter that parkview has kinda adopted but there is one problem, Cathy Landry. Sure she let me miss a week to go to Nicaragua last year but i'm afraid she'll refuse to let me. She'll say i can go on saturdays, saturdays however will be the day everyone goes. There needs to be a difference between the Christian volunteers and all the other voluteers and that difference needs to be the love and service we put out. I will only be sacrificeing a few hours of sleep on Saturday and my services won't be needed as much. I just got yelled at for something and she's in a bad mood so i won't ask tonight


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