Friday, August 26, 2005


At the court
Originally uploaded by tigerebel3.

ignorant people make me mad. This morning i was watching good morning america and they were reporting on a plane wreck in Peru and how the locals were looting the wreckage and taking everything of value, as they were showing the footage of a very nicaraguen like shanty town with a plane near by with kids, and their parents going through the wreckage. The anchor lady says "sometimes I can't believe the things people do, they are stealing things that could lead to an explanation why this crash happened. These parents are teaching their kids that stealing is alright. The things people do sicken me" Meanwhile this half plastic woman who's getting paid for the looks she paid for herself is making enough money a day to feed these children. I don't see the wrong these people were doing. If given the choice of feeding my kids for a month or leaving this crashed plane and all of it's belongings to be turned into scrap metal i think most people would have made the same decision. And if she would take the time of day to consider what the things taken off of the plane that crashed into their home could be used for she could have a little understanding.


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