Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Back to school

I have completed my fourth day of school and have not gotten sick of it yet. This should be a good year, i'll get my car if my grades aren't bad so i'll have a motivation to try hard.
I should start blogging a lot more now that school has started simply because it'll give me something to do that looks like homework to people observing me from afar and it gives me something else to do while i'm supposed to be doing homework.
Uhigh is starting to suck. They have gotten anal about things. Two years ago we could wear flip flops and a t-shirt and next year we're moving to uniforms. I bought a uniform from Dunham, Episcopal, and parkview to wear to school but my mother got very upset and said the teachers would hate me so i'm going to wait until the next semester when the teachers already hate me.
It's really cold at school, for some reason they keep the AC on 60 and freeze everyone's pooper's off. They can spend the money to preserve meat in our learning environment but they can't afford for us to keep our salad bar. They lie to us a lot too. Last year we had to wear id tags because we would be off campus but then they learned it would save on insurance so now we get to wear them even though we will stay on uhigh's amazing facilities.


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